Get your free Expressions Cheat Sheet!

You want to use expressions but don't know where to start?

A great starting point!
The sheet will help you to understand how expressions work.
It covers the most important expressions and explains how to apply them.

It will help you instantly to get better and faster at animating in After Effects!

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Apply basic expressions!
Learn how to use basic expressions to speed up your workflow.
Hey! My name is Manuel!

I've been using After Effects for almost 20 years.
For many years I avoided expressions until I realized how incredibly helpful they are.
Since then, they slowly but steadily found their way into my workflow. Now expressions allow me to create amazing stuff quickly, and a lot of the animations wouldn't even be possible without animations. And once set up, you can reuse the expressions lots of times.
Looking back, I wish I had realized sooner how incredibly helpful expressions are.
Creating unique designs and animations, starting with a black screen is magic for me.
As a Motion Designer, I have transitioned between being employed and freelancing several times. I have worked on large-scale projects as an Art Director, and on small projects by myself.
I never studied design or animation.
Instead, I learned everything I know from online courses, YouTube, Google, and books. Online is the best place to quickly learn things you are interested in. Motion Design is changing so fast that traditional universities and schools often can't keep up.
Learn how to create complex animations fast with expressions.